Giving Tuesday is November 27!

Giving Tuesday is November 27, 2018!
Giving Tuesday is a day dedicated to giving back to charity! Brides for a Cause is encouraging everyone to give back to charity with their wedding dress! Donating your wedding dress helps the environment and gives another bride that special “OMG, I FOUND MY DRESS” moment!
To learn how you can donate your wedding dress, visit our Donate page at:
We accept donations by drop-off or through the mail at all three locations in Portland, Tacoma and Seattle!
Don’t have a wedding dress to donate? We would love a small monetary donation to our cause, so that we can continue our mission of recycling wedding dresses for charity!
To make a donation to our cause, click:
While Giving Tuesday comes around just once a year, we accept monetary donations and dress donations YEAR-ROUND, so if you’re not ready to give up that dress quite yet, we’ll accept it when you’re ready! Just be sure to donate it before its older than 5 years!
Use the hashtags: #givingtuesday, #donateyourdress or #bridesforacause to show your support this Giving Tuesday!


Brides for a Cause is more than a bridal store – it’s a bridal store that raises funds for charity!

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